Muskoka Apartments

Find the Perfect Apartment
Within Your Budget

Offering comfortable apartments for more than four decades

Well-Maintained Muskoka Area Apartments for Rent

Are you looking for a well-maintained apartment in Muskoka? Then you have come to the right place. For the last 43 years, Muskoka Apartments has offered accommodations for rent in the Muskoka, Ontario area. We have two apartment buildings with the necessary amenities available for rent. With us, you wouldn't just find a place to stay, but you can also proudly call it home.

Greenhurst Apartments

Greenhurst Apartments is a quiet and comfortable complex in Gravenhurst with a friendly, welcoming neighborhood consisting of mostly elderly and middle-aged residents. The apartment has an Independent grocery store, recreational parks, and skating arena near by. The apartment building has the necessary facilities for a convenient and affordable stay, which are included in the rent.

Brodom Apartments

Brodom Apartment building is a well-maintained 12 unit, two-level complex with security entrance, in Bracebridge. It has moderately priced rentals. The apartment building consists of one and two-bedroom units with large windows and screens. It is just a block away from the main street shops, restaurants, post office, theatre, and ice cream parlors. The historical Bracebridge falls, and the bay is just two blocks away from the building.

Our Maintenance Team

At Muskoka Apartments, we offer a hassle-free service for your maintenance requests. For any issue, just get in touch with us and describe it briefly by stating the priority of your maintenance request.
Our maintenance team will respond quickly and address all your concerns.

Muskoka Apartments
Muskoka Apartments